Extender Setup Guide

If you are confused with how to do wireless extender setup then this is your read. Everyone wants to experience the high-speed internet using the wifi extender but the setup process can be difficult at times. Well, the IP address comes to your rescue. To sign in to your wifi extender’s admin panel, you can use this IP address and set up your extender hassle-free. Also, the setup process is much easier with this Using this blog, we will enlighten you about everything you need to know regarding the wireless extender setup.

Explain – Wireless Extender Setup

Every router or extender is assigned a private IP address to distinguish itself on the network. To make any modifications to your Wi-Fi network, log into the wifi router with their official web page. If this doesn’t work out, then you can use to make it correct. You just have to log in to the admin page of your router or extender using to make any modifications. It is simpler and effortless using admin login to do so. – Admin Login Guide

Here are the steps for admin login follow them to proceed;

  1. Ensure you have an internet-compatible PC device.
  2. Next, link your computing device to your router network.
  3. Open a preferred Web Browser.
  4. In the address bar, enter the IP address
  5. This will direct you to the Admin Page for your router.
  6. Now type in the correct SSID and password to go further.
  7. The right information will take you to the admin router menu.

Tip: In case, you don’t remember your login info then, check for the default login details at the bottom of your router. If somehow, you have modified the default credentials and forgotten them, you need to restore default factory settings. The router will have its default login info back. Though, it will also have its default settings back, if you have modified any, before. – How To Use?

  1. Firstly, modify the login details as stated above.
  2. Scroll through the options list until you get an overall list menu on your screen.
  3. Choose the router password.
  4. Enter a secure and easy-to-remember password.
  5. You must keep saving the info on the go.
  6. Change the username if you want.

Change Login Credentials – SSID And Password

  1. To modify SSID or Wifi Network name,
  2. Go on the General settings menu.
  3. Select the preferred Wireless settings.
  4. Enter the preferred Wifi Network name in the SSID box.
  5. Save the changes.
  6. Click the Wifi network field and enter the preferred password.
  7. Set the login info.
  8. Ensure you have secured internet, now proceed.
  9. You may also improve the network.
  10. You can also set parental controls in case you want. 

You Have Got Your Wireless Extender Wizard!

Now, that’s how you can do the wireless extender setup. With easy access to the wifi extender’s admin page, you can modify and manage the login information, enhance the network security, and make other configuration settings as well. Enjoy extended network!